
“What have you done to me?”

This question is repeated twice to Abram/Abraham in Genesis, once by Pharoah in Egypt, and again by Abimelech in Canaan. As Abram traveled through Canaan and Egypt, he asked his wife to tell people that she was his sister, because he was afraid that he would be killed by someone wanting to take his wife.

When Pharoah saw Sarai, he took her into his palace as his wife. He and his people suffered serious illnesses. When Pharoah found out that Sarai was Abram’s wife, he called Abram in and asked him, “What have you done to me?” Pharoah expelled Abraham from Egypt.

Abraham did the same thing in Canaan, telling Abimelek that Sarah was his sister. When Abimelek found out from the Holy Spirit that Sarah was Abraham’s wife, he asked Abraham, “What have you done to us?” Unlike Pharoah, Abimelek did not send Abraham away, he allowed him to live anywhere in Canaan. This is one of the first examples of forgiveness in the Bible.